Wednesday, November 11, 2009

Godfather Traffic - Family Pipeline Newsletter - Vol 1 No 9 - November 11, 2009

The Family Pipeline
Newsletter Vol I No.9

In this Issue...
   New Memberships Available...  
   The new Trivia Games!...
   Member Payments...

   Getting Paid for Referrals...
   Daily Sponsor Ads...
   Solo Ads for $6.95...
   Using the site Converter...
   PTC Prizes for Trivia...
   Housekeeping -

Hello Family Members,

I want to apologize for not being as attentive as usual on support tickets. I have been ill over the last 8-10 days. I am diabetic and have been dealing with some problems. This is no excuse just a reason for the lack of attention to things at times. I am finally feeling better and am getting back to the business at hand. I am pleased that we are continuing to grow at a steady pace of about 100 new members per week. I have some new announcements in this newsletter so be sure and read about the new memberships and the new Trivia Prize system. We have about 200 hundred people a day playing trivia and having some fun. This is good but it does cost the site when sales are slow. I am adding new prizes and a new system offering more prizes and a way for more people to win the bigger prizes.

Have a great day surfing!

Ron Taber
The Godfather

 New Memberships Available...  

 I was wondering why we weren't getting more sales and then I realized that all of our memberships are geared towards the surf for cash members and not the members mainly interested in marketing their sites. So, I have created two new memberships: the 1 Yr Pro and Lifetime Pro that will pay no surf for cash money but has incredible marketing value in them. Just check out these features:

1yr Pro - This membership sells for $9.95. It is for those members that are not interested in surf for cash and want to build good traffic to their sites for marketing. The best features are a solo ad to the entire membership ($6.95 value), 7 second timer, $10 min payout, instant daily payouts on all new cash sales and 30% commissions on all sales.

Lifetime Pro - This membership sells for $29.95. It is for the serious marketers that want maximum traffic to their sites immediately. The best features are 5 solo ads ($34.75 value), 1-PTC1000 ad ($7.95 value), 1 Featured Daily Surf Bar ad (Be the first ad shown for 24 hours), 10,000 hits, 10,000 banners and 10,000 text impressions, 5 second surf timer, no minimum payout level and instant daily payouts on all new cash sales. 30% commissions on all upgrades and sales for life!

These memberships are excellent value and you should promote them while they are hot. Look for new splash pages promoting these new offers!


The New Trivia Games

Godfather Trivia can be played by free and pro members. Only Pro Members receive cash prizes for playing. There are 6 different categories, one for each day of the week, Mon-Sat and on Sunday we will have all 6 categories and give away 300 prizes! There will be 2 games on each day and 6 games on Sunday. Each game has a potential of 50 winners.

The prizes available to win are: 1 Yr Pro memberships, solo ads, PTC ads, 1000 banners, 1000 text impressions, 500 banners, 500 text impressions, 250 banners, 250 text ads, $1, .75, .50 cents, .25 cents, .10 Cents, and 05 cents cash payments. How many of each of these prizes that are handed out will vary each day. The amount of cash prizes handed out are based upon the daily budget available. There will always be cash prizes each day.

Here is how it works - A list is created with numbers 1-50. Next to each number on the list is the prize for that day. As you surf and get a correct answer you are told what number you are and what you have won according to the list. The prizes are credited to your account at the end of each game. You never know what you are going to win and that is what makes it exciting!
A daily list of prizes will be posted each day!

Free members can win any product prize but are not eligible for cash prizes. A free member could win a 1 yr pro membership playing! That is a 1-50 chance! So, free members should always play! You never know if you are a winner.

If you are a pro member and win a free 1 yr pro membership. You have two options. Give it away or sell it to someone for the $9.95 value it is. All you have to do is give me the ID of the person who needs to be upgraded in either case. (The 1 yr pro is a non-surf for cash membership.)

Here are the categories I am running:

Mon - Movies
Tues - Television
Wed - World History
Thurs - Music
Fri - Brainbusters
Sat - Sports
Sun - All 6 categories.

All winners are paid at the end of the daily contest. They are not awarded in real time. If you do not see your prize awarded within 24 hours then please send me a support ticket.

An offer you can't refuse!
Would you be interested in leveraging $300 into $10,000 in the next 30 to 60 days?

(Sponsored Ad)

Member Payments Timeline

I am disappointed in the response from the membership. You tell me you want surf for cash. I give you six options. Yet, very few of you are participating. Some of you have cancelled your subscription after reaching payout. I don't have time to play games. I will stop surf for cash entirely if only 25 members out of 4300 want it. I would just as soon run my site based on delivering good marketing products.

A lot of people have submitted support tickets to be paid. I have paid a lot of them according to the payout strategy below. Many of you are still waiting, especially those that want to be paid through Alert Pay. I just don't get many Alert Pay Sales. So, it will take longer.

As I have mention in previous newsletters, every penny that comes into the site goes towards paying members and it has... since day 1. I am attempting to pay down the debt of the site. The problem is when no money comes in there is no money to pay members. I can no longer pay out of my pocket to support this site. So, the site must stand on its own.

I have created new memberships at a reasonable price for the members that want marketing value and could care less about surf for cash. I am hoping this will create more revenues to pay down the dept.

I am going to let it go for a few more weeks and watch what the surf for cash memberships are doing. I want to offer what the membership wants overall. But I will not continue to put the site in further debt for a handful of people. We have almost 4300 members, I would think if people want surf for cash they would be more supportive.

As I mention in the last newsletter here is how members are being paid:

1. Those members on subscription have priority when it comes to getting paid, they get paid first when a support ticket come in.

2. Members who have reached the $25 payout and have never been paid before, will be paid next in priority.

3. Pro members who have been paid the least will be paid next in priority.

4. Those of you who have earned hundreds of dollars from this site will be last to be paid. You will be paid... but since you have already got back more than 3-10 times what you originally paid, you should not mind waiting a little longer to get paid if it is working towards keeping your earning opportunity alive.

I want to be fair to everyone. I have paid out over $6000 in commissions. Some of the lifetime and yearly members have made a lot of money on this site and continue to do so.

If you don't want to wait to be paid... buy a subscription for surf for cash and you will be paid every time you reach the payout minimum. You will also be contributing to the site.

Each one of the memberships are designed to give a return of 25% to 40% on the money invested. For example: If you buy the godfather package at $39.95 per month and surf 1000 a day, you will earn back $62.00 this month. That is a $22 profit or a little over 50% back on the investment. I make money if you don't surf 1000 pages a day, you make money when you do. You see delivering hits to the over 10,000 web pages in our system is the goal. I pay you to do that. When people get hits they buy more hits. A lot of people don't have time to surf so they buy hits, solo ad or PTC ads to get traffic to their web pages.

We only have 400 pro members out of 4200+ members. If you 3800 free members start participating we can do more things on the site.

Getting Paid for Referrals

I have been tracking the referrals since Oct. 19th and watching how many of them surf 100 within 72 hours. There have been quite a few. I have also been looking at surfing patterns. I have been warned by members that certain members are trying to cheat my system by creating false accounts and surfing them enough to get paid. My question would be to you cheaters, Why? Is .15 to .25 cents for a few members worth cheating and lying. What kind of people are you.

I want to thank the majority of our family for being honest and decent people who want to earn income fairly and treat others the same way.

I will be paying all the legitimate referrals over the next few days.

Daily Sponsor ads...

The Daily sponsor ad, which is the first page to show in the surf bar to each member as they enter to surf, will no longer be auctioned off. It will become a paid to get feature of our site.

So, if you want to get your site seen First.... by every surfer that surfs our site for a week... it will only cost $7.95 per week or $1.50 per day for guaranteed unique visitors.

To order your spot just send us a support ticket and we will send you the sales page.

 Solo Ads Only $6.95

The solo ads now sell for $6.95. We are currently at over 4200+ members. You can buy these or any product by using your cash credits in your cash account if you wish or Alert Pay and PayPal.

Right now, I only send out a maximum of 7 solo ads a day. So, first come first serve. You must contact me by support ticket to have your solo ad box turned on.

IMPORTANT: Godfather Traffic is a family community. We all support each other by receiving these emails. If I look at your account and see that you have turned off the feature to receive my solo ads. You will not be eligible for any prizes, contest earnings or surf for cash money! We expect all our members to help each other.

Become a Forex Trading Pro!
Amazing New Video shows you how! Watch the free video and get started today!

(Sponsored Ad)

Using the site Converter

We have way too many pro members sitting on top of over 50,000+ hits in their account, yet they have no banner or text impressions. So their banner and text ads are sitting dead doing nothing. Members can convert hits into banner and text impressions by going to the convert box on the tools page. Cash can also be converted for hits, banners and text ads. If you are surfing 1000 pages a day why are you not converting those hits to other things? I am going to start purging this site. If you don't surf at least 50 pages a month, I am going to freeze your account until you do. If I see an excess of hits in your account and no banner or text impressions we are going to talk.... I want to see people active!

 Pay to Click ads are growing!....

I have decided to start giving away PTC ads in the Trivia Prize bank. This will add a lot of new PTC ads in the Pay to Click section. Everyday, that is the first place members will go to earn cash! Take advantage of it! You can get 1000 guarantee visitors to your site for only $7.95, for pro members it is even less than that because of your discount! Members can only click on your ad once, so it is unique advertising.

If you haven't been to the "View Adverts" box on your tools page, you need to check it out. There are currently 8 ads being shown and room for plenty more. You get paid 1 - 10 cents to look at an ad for 20 seconds. You can only look at it once per week. This is a fast way to get 100's of visitors quickly to your offer. If you look at the Manage Campaign box you will see 6 different options for buying pay to click ads. They pay up to .10 cents per click.

This will be a powerful revenue for the site as there is no limit as to how many of these pay to click ads we can run. If you think solo ads are hot wait until you see the results from these. You can buy these ads by using your cash credits in your account if you wish.


Submitting sites, banners and text ads to the system

When you submit your web sites to the system DO NOT allocate any hits to them until they are approved. If you do allocate hits to the site and it is not approved, you could lose your hits. If you try to submit sites before reading our user agreement and they violate our agreement, I will remove them immediately and you will lose your hits. When you submit a site for approval, put a zero in the allocate box, this way you will never lose any hits. YOu can allocate hits once it is approved.

The problem is many of you are not reading the user agreement. We do not accept pages in any language but English! I know we have a lot of French and Spanish speaking members but the rule is English. I have to be able to approve the content and I can't do that if I can't read the content. OK?

No rotators, no FRAME BREAKERs.
If your web page causes one of my surfer to leave the surf bar because your page forwards them to it, that page will be removed and YOU WILL LOSE YOUR HITS. I can't make it any clearer than that. So, don't get upset at me when you break the rules and this happens. I try to give you a lot of warnings.

No Naughty pages, no porn, no almost porn. I am a Christian man, and if it offends me, it will not be put on my sites. Any of them! No filthy jokes or language! Be respectful on my site. There are a lot of site owners that like that filth, I do not.

Support Area Hours

I am in the Pacific Standard time zone. I am not available from 12:00AM until 7:00AM, I have to sleep sometime. I am not available on Sundays from 7:30AM to 12:00PM, I am at church. I am a worship leader and I am not available during these times. Most all other time I am available. I usually can get to your questions within an hour, sometime 2 hours, seldom is it longer than that. I make payments as soon as I can. It depends on how many come in each day and if I have to transfer funds. If you want to be paid in Alert Pay, it will take longer depending on funds available in Alert Pay, we do mostly Pay Pal pay outs.

In your service,

Ron Taber
The Godfather

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