Sunday, November 29, 2009

Let's Go Crazy! Dollars, Doubles And a Holiday Blowout....

Everyday Essentials
Your vote counts....
Surf with Mark for cash prizes.....
Did YOU win?
Can't Wait To Splash? Login now ...
Your Username is: devils07
Your Password is: b72fc7

Hi Sony saputro,

G'day, sorry I've been so quiet lately. Lots of stuff happening.
For the many who Splashed, I hope you enjoyed the "Kinder
Secret" extra surf rewards :-)

If you're over in the States I hope you had a great Thanksgiving
and are really enjoying your holiday weekend.

Today we are going to go real crazy on the giveaways but first
a quick update....

I had a great day at a Marketing Lunch in London Friday,
made some cool new contacts and discovered a fantastic
program that we'll be able to reveal in a few weeks time.

These events are so important because every single time
more top marketers hear the traffic exchange message. It
helps bring in more and more members from the outside
to see your sites and join your biz. It's a mission of mine to
get traffic exchanges everywhere!

I'm currently beavering away in the background on what could
be a very VERY big deal that will help surfers and owners
everywhere. More news on that when I can but for today, let's
start with THE most important....

Thank YOU Sony saputro!

I am truly truly grateful to you and to you every single Splasher
who has contributed to make my baby what it is and will be....

The first one million member traffic exchange!

There, I said it out loud, I don't think I've ever mentioned that
goal in a Splashmail before, but that's where we're going. And
I guaranteee WE will get there. I'll keep on reinvesting most of
the profits and together we will make it. Who would've thought...

Almost three years ago I had just started online when Traffic-Splash
became available.

I'm still not really sure why I bought it. There were only 1,500
members, only about 100 of them surfing each week, it was
pretty ugly, with not a dolphin in view, made no money and only
showed splash pages so destined to remain tiny and ineffective
(bad biz model, how do splash pages stand out if they're all you
see? The site was destined to fail if it didn't change)

Traffic-Splash was basically dead in the water. I only paid $250
so couldn't expect any different really!

Jon Olson and several others advised me to carry on with my
oroginal plan to build a fresh exchange. After all, it's common
knowledge that to relaunch a dead exchange compared to
starting afresh is incredibly incredibly difficult but....

...somehow, Traffic-Splash sparked something inside me and
with over 80,000 members so far, huge surf activity, and lots
of top rankings it seems the Dolphins have caught on well!

Yes, I work very very hard to build my biz and try my very best
to deliver the service you need and demand but it's no way a
solo effort. Never has been, never will be.

I am truly thankful to have such a wonderful team looking after
you each and every day.

And I am truly thankful to every single Splasher out there.

Traffic-splash wasn't born with a silver spoon in it's mouth.
There was no big JV launch. We rose from nothing to become
so well respected because of you Sony saputro

Without you, we ain't here. I really truly appreciate your support.

Thank you Sony saputro

So, let's go crazy now! First up, it's a Dollar Dash Day.

The surfbar is loaded up with dollar bills today and the occasional
$5 prize too!

No minimum surf, no maximum surf, the cash prizes will appear on
your Bonus Page so keep your eyes peeled while you're Splashing!

More surf equals more chances to win. Splash lucky but there's more....

Today you get Double Surf Rewards all day long too!

Surf 100 pages:
claim 1,000 Banner Ads or 2,000 Text Ads free
OR Surf 250 pages:
claim 4,000 Banner Ads or 8,000 Text Ads free
OR Surf 500 pages:
claim 7,000 Banner Ads or 14,000 Text Ads free
OR Surf 750 pages:
claim 10,000 Banner Ads or 20,000 Text Ads free
OR Surf 1,000 pages:
claim 13,000 Banner Ads or 26,000 Text Ads free

Nobody does it bigger, but we still ain't finished....

Super Surf Is On!
Don't forget you can grab up to 20% extra credits completely
free for every single page you surf and put your site in front
of over 300,000 members at the same time. Plus....

Early warning - officially this site doesn't launch until 1st
December but you get a sneak peek early....

You get the chance to earn some extra holiday cash and over
$2,500 in quality products too.

The Holiday Blowout Sale 2009 is a pretty irresistible offer.

You get exclusive PLR Products for you to use and sell. Yes,
I said Exclusive PLR Products.

Better yet, you can earn daily commissions as an

Check it out

And don't forget...

It takes just seconds to help us help you....

Your vote helps us get more members to see your sites.

Thanks for voting Sony saputro

Login, Surf, Enjoy....
Your Username is: devils07
Your Password is: b72fc7

Have a great Subday Sony saputro

Happy Splashing!

Paul Kinder
The Original Surf Rewards Guy

PS We have $330 and 33,000 credits up for grabs with a top
prize of $100 and 1,000 credits for the top referrer.

Have you joined yet? We haven't done any big JV's so this
is your chance to beat the big guys. The field is wide open...

Everyday Extras
Are you taking advantage of all our free to join sites?

Top Training at:

Brand New: Essential Advertising Tools:


Traffic Exchanges:

Come up and tweet me, make me smile :-)

30 Minden Road, Lowestoft, UK, NR32 2NS

You received this email update at
as part of your Traffic-Splash membership.

To stop any further updates, cancel your membership,
lose your credits, commissions and downline forever
(who knows why you'd want to but ..) click here:

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