Your vote counts....
=> http://www.votesplash.com
Surf with Mark for cash prizes.....
=> http://www.traffic-splash.com/luckypromoter.html
Did YOU win?
=> http://www.traffic-splash.com/winners.html
Can't Wait To Splash? Login now ...
=> http://www.traffic-splash.com/member.php
Your Username is: devils07
Your Password is: b72fc7
Hi Sony saputro
G'day, do you like the new "Everyday Essentials" links I just put
up top? Thought I'd start the week with something a lil new.
We've got an old favorite for today's extra surf rewards though,
and first, some free stuff....
200 Credits Free, Simples....
This is too good to miss so in case you didn't see yesterday's
I was contacted by Frank Salinas, he has a new site and told me I
can give away 200 credits to any Splashers who joins.
I always get great great results from Frank's sites. Always!
Oh, and great commissions too. His upgrades are great value
and very popular.
Very highly recommended. 200 credits free for you....
=> http://www.traffic-splash.com/loves/simples
Free Tools For You
I'm so proud of our new TE Toolbox.
Jon Olson, Tim Linden and I got together and built a TE
marketing system that is already being described as "The
Ultimate Suite Of Traffic Exchange Tools"
Our Techy Tim Rash helped out with a few ideas too. We're
so proud of this and determined to help more people be
successful in TE World so.....
We decided to give it away free!
* You don't "just" get a website rotator
* You don't "just" get a tracker
* You don't "just" get cloacked tracking links for emails
* You don't "just" get a banner rotator
* You don't "just" get a thank you ad rotator
* You don't "just" get a splashpage maker
* You don't "just" get up to 55% commissions too
You get the very best of all of these and other features ALL
wrapped up in one free to join program.
Grab it free now
=> http://www.tetoolbox.biz OR....
Look out for the special week one upgrade.
26 cents a day gets you:
* Our secret weapon
* A huge 550% commission hike
* LOTS of extra benefits
* AND a huge chunk of credits too! <<<< Limited Launch Bonus
Don't miss out...
=> http://www.tetoolbox.biz
Double Bonus Credits
Today you get Double Bonus Credits all day long!
You can win a minimum 4, maximum 12 credits
every 15 pages you surf.
Keep an eye out for our happy faces to claim
your extra bonus!
And please help us help you....
Your vote helps us get more members to see your sites.
Your vote counts....
=> http://www.votesplash.com
Thanks for voting Sony saputro
Login, Surf, Enjoy And ....
Help Us Help You....
=> http://www.votesplash.com
=> http://www.traffic-splash.com/member.php
Your Username is: devils07
Your Password is: b72fc7
And don't forget....
Surf with Mark for your chance of extra cash prizes.....
=> http://www.traffic-splash.com/luckypromoter.html
Have a great day Sony saputro
Happy Splashing!
Paul Kinder
The Original Surf Rewards Guy
PS You can get 21,000 credits for free inside TE Toolbox.
=> http://www.tetoolbox.biz
PPS Another new thing just added today. Everyday Extras,
check it out below....
Everyday Extras
Are you taking advantage of all our free to join sites?
Top Training at:
=> http://www.AffiliateFunnels.com
Brand New: Essentials Advertising Tools:
=> http://www.TeToolbox.biz
=> http://www.ReactiveAdz.net
Traffic Exchanges:
=> http://www.fasteasytraffic.net
=> http://www.tezaktraffcpower.net
Come up and tweet me, make me smile :-)
=> http://twitter.com/pjkinder
30 Minden Road, Lowestoft, UK, NR32 2NS
You received this email update at reddevils.boy@gmail.com
as part of your Traffic-Splash membership.
To stop any further updates, cancel your membership,
lose your credits, commissions and downline forever
(who knows why you'd want to but ..) click here:
=> http://www.traffic-splash.com/delete.php?username=devils07&password=b72fc7
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