Your vote counts....
=> http://www.votesplash.com
Surf with Mark for cash prizes.....
=> http://www.traffic-splash.com/luckypromoter.html
Did YOU win?
=> http://www.traffic-splash.com/winners.html
Can't Wait To Splash? Login now ...
=> http://www.traffic-splash.com/member.php
Your Username is: devils07
Your Password is: b72fc7
Hi Sony saputro,
G'day, today is a special one. Today we're celebrating Traffic
Goldrush reaching 12,000 members.
Quick trip down memory lane - Traffic Goldrush is the first TE
I ever bought. I had such big plans for it but just days after I
bought the script Traffic-Splash became available, I couldn't
resist it and the rest as they say is history.
A couple of years later we helped my good mate Paul Conway
launch and the rest as they say..... :-)
12,000 Celebration Draw
Today is your chance to win heaps of prizes. We've teamed up
to celebrate and give you three chances at top prizes...
* $5 Cash: 36 winners, 12 at each exchange
* 750 Credits: 36 winners, 12 at each exchange
* 5,000 Banner Ads: 36 winners, 12 at each exchange
* 50,000 Text Ads: 36 winners, 12 at each exchange
Simply surf 150 pages and you will automagically qualify for the
big prize draw - no need to claim a thing. Every page you surf is
a ticket in the draw so the more you surf the more chance you
have to win!
Surf at least 150 today at:
Login, Surf, Enjoy....
=> http://www.traffic-splash.com/member.php
Your Username is: devils07
Your Password is: b72fc7
Fast Easy Traffic
=> http://www.fasteasytraffic.net
and of course, Traffic Goldrush
=> http://www.trafficgoldrush.net
We pick all winners separately so you could win more than once if
you surf all three exchanges BUT you don't have to surf all three,
you just triple your chances to win if you do!
And remember each page you surf is a ticket in the draw so the
more you surf, you more chance you give yourself to win.
Splash Lucky!
Cool Video
I got this cool video from your fellow Splasher, Phil Ames. Phil
shows you how to create your very own animated splashpage.
Here's what Phil said....
"Hey guys,
So I couldn't resist making a video. I'm not sure if this is the
finished product or a rough draft. In either case here ya go.
I made an Animated Splash page for Affiliate Funnel using
Instant Banner Creator and TE Toolbox.
=> http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=x7eINk433xY
It's a bit rushed but hopefully someone will get some new ideas.
Phil ( philsfault ) Ames"
Great job Phil, thank you - insert thumbs up smiley here :-)
I hope you find that useful. Phil runs a cool blog - one I myself
read too....
=> http://www.philsfault.com/
If you'd like us to promote your link in our emails, blogs and
the TET members area, please submit your TE Toolbox video
to our support desk in the members area.
=> http://www.tetoolbox.biz
A couple of reminders below but first....
Please help us help you. Your vote helps us get more members
to see your sites.
Your vote counts....
=> http://www.votesplash.com
Thanks for voting Sony saputro
Free Credits, Cash +
We have heaps of prizes available in our latest Active Readers
Contest over at Reactive Adz.
There are heaps of credits up for grabs plus cash prizes and
the number one reader is going to win a very special Christmas
gift too.
You can guarantee if it is coming from David Foley and myself It
will be super sweet!
Log in here to see what you can win...
Referral Contest
We have a great referral contest over at ReactiveAdz too.
We have $330 and 33,000 credits up for grabs with a top
prize of $100 and 1,000 credits for the top referrer.
Have you joined yet? We haven't done any big JV's so this
is your chance to beat the big guys. The field is wide open...
Login, Surf, Enjoy....
=> http://www.traffic-splash.com/member.php
Your Username is: devils07
Your Password is: b72fc7
Have a great day Sony saputro
Happy Splashing!
Paul Kinder
The Original Surf Rewards Guy
PS Your vote really counts:
=> http://www.votesplash.com
Thanks Sony saputro
We really appreciate it.
Everyday Extras
Are you taking advantage of all our free to join sites?
Top Training at:
=> http://www.AffiliateFunnels.com
Brand New: Essential Advertising Tools:
=> http://www.TeToolbox.biz
=> http://www.ReactiveAdz.net
Traffic Exchanges:
=> http://www.FastEasyTraffic.net
=> http://www.TezakTraffcPower.net
Come up and tweet me, make me smile :-)
=> http://twitter.com/pjkinder
30 Minden Road, Lowestoft, UK, NR32 2NS
You received this email update at reddevils.boy@gmail.com
as part of your Traffic-Splash membership.
To stop any further updates, cancel your membership,
lose your credits, commissions and downline forever
(who knows why you'd want to but ..) click here:
=> http://www.traffic-splash.com/delete.php?username=devils07&password=b72fc7
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