Your vote counts....
=> http://www.votesplash.com
Surf with Mark for cash prizes.....
=> http://www.traffic-splash.com/luckypromoter.html
Did YOU win?
=> http://www.traffic-splash.com/winners.html
Can't Wait To Splash? Login now ...
=> http://www.traffic-splash.com/member.php
Your Username is: devils07
Your Password is: b72fc7
Hi Sony saputro,
I was just chatting with Jon and Tim and we decided to give out
more prizes for new members of TE Toolbox. We're so proud of this,
it's a real must have so we though we'd make it even more
rewarding toget in now.
I'll tell you about that in a bit, forst though, I've been looking through
some stats. Very impressive, TE Toolbox....
* already has over 10,000 members
* that's 2,792 new members in 6 days since relaunch
* members have already over $7,000 in commissions
* top earner already has over $1,000 in commissions
* the upgrade offers are conerting at a superb 9%
* members are grossing over $5.00 per referral
Yup, $5.00 per referral from a free to join program. How?
Because it's just so darned good, that's how!
TE Toolbox is built by three of the top minds in online advertising.
Jon Olson, Tim Linden and myself, with some Techy Tim Rash
ideas thrown in for good measure too!
* You don't "just" get a website rotator
* You don't "just" get a tracker
* You don't "just" get cloacked tracking links for emails
* You don't "just" get a banner rotator
* You don't "just" get a thank you ad rotator
* You don't "just" get a splashpage maker
* You don't "just" get up to 55% commissions too
You get the very best of all of these and other features ALL
wrapped up in one free to join program.
Grab Your Copy of the Ultimate Toolbox now....
=> http://www.tetoolbox.biz
BUT it just got even better....
Jon, Tim and Paul just announced they're giving out hot prizes for
new members of TE Toolbox.
Every day for the rest of the launch period two lucky members will
win a prize worth $22 with shipping, delivered straight to your door.
Jon Olson is giving away copies of his superb book "Hits, Clicks And
Misses - The Traffic Experience" All completely free.
To see what you could win, click here....
=> http://www.hitsclicksandmisses.com
Ready to join yet?
=> http://www.tetoolbox.biz
Oh, and here's the little secret I'm only just revealing so you'll see
a few emails about it now.....
Jon, Tim and I (well that means me really lol) have twisted a few
arms and, if you upgrade in TE Toolbox this week, we're going to
give you up to 21,000 credits free.
Join free or grab your credits - either way - TE Toolbox is already
being described as "The Ultimate Suite Of Traffic Exchange Tools"
and we have LOTS of plans to add in even more value!
Definitely a Must Have program. In fact....
It's Must Have Now!
=> http://www.tetoolbox.biz
Hope that helps
Happy Splashing!
Paul Kinder
The Original Surf Rewards Guy
PS Feedback has been overwhelming so far. People are loving this.
Grab your free copy now....
=> http://www.tetoolbox.biz
PPS The free version is stunning on it's own, but look out for that
special week one upgrade. 21,000 free credits plus....
Huge discount, 550% commission hike and - well - see for yourself....
=> http://www.tetoolbox.biz
And don't forget why we're all here....
Double Bonus Credits today,
Plus Super Surf of course :-)
Login, Surf, Enjoy....
=> http://www.traffic-splash.com/member.php
Your Username is: devils07
Your Password is: b72fc7
Everyday Extras
Are you taking advantage of all our free to join sites?
Top Training at:
=> http://www.AffiliateFunnels.com
Brand New: Essential Advertising Tools:
=> http://www.TeToolbox.biz
=> http://www.ReactiveAdz.net
Traffic Exchanges:
=> http://www.FastEasyTraffic.net
=> http://www.TezakTraffcPower.net
Come up and tweet me, make me smile :-)
=> http://twitter.com/pjkinder
30 Minden Road, Lowestoft, UK, NR32 2NS
You received this email update at reddevils.boy@gmail.com
as part of your Traffic-Splash membership.
To stop any further updates, cancel your membership,
lose your credits, commissions and downline forever
(who knows why you'd want to but ..) click here:
=> http://www.traffic-splash.com/delete.php?username=devils07&password=b72fc7
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