Thursday, December 3, 2009

Giveaway Thousands!

Everyday Essentials
Your vote counts....
Surf with Mark for cash prizes.....
Did YOU win?
Can't Wait To Splash? Login now ...
Your Username is: devils07
Your Password is: b72fc7

Hi Sony saputro,

G'day, top tips and big bonuses today and have you done
this yet today?


Please do, your vote helps us get more members to see
your sites :-)

So, what up today?

Giveaway Thousands!
The surfbar is loaded with all our usual prize page goodies
PLUS you could win:

* 1,000 Credits
* 1,000 Banner ads
* 1,000 Text ads

There's no limit to how many you win, or you may not win at all.
No guarantees other than I can tell you there will be PLENTY
of Happy Splashers today!

The more you surf, the more chances you will give yourself to
win thousands. Splash Lucky!

One Tip
One Tip could be all you need to succeed in 2010 BUT....
today you can grab 25 hot tips from real online successes.

25 top marketers were each asked to give up one top tip to
help you succeed in 2010.

They all gave their top tip for free for charity, they don't earn a
penny here, I don't earn a penny here.

There is some really cool content here. Some mindset stuff,
some strategies, some golden nuggets on more specific
techniques. A real mixture, all top quality.

There's a tip from Neil Shearing that I've already implemented,
a superb article from Paul Smithson who has built no less
than five 5 multi-million dollar businesses, Nicola Cairncross
really got me thinking on page 43 with her Successful Tuesday
idea and the whole thing is finished off by the ever-excellent
Paul Myers.

Those are just a few of the highlights, quality content, all for
a good cause, very highly recommended....


Top Tip
Would you like an open rates of 44.1% on your emails? For free?

These are the stats from my latest Desktop Lightning mailing....

* 17158 sent
* 7573 read it
* 44.1% open rate

That one mailing got us 67 signups to TE Toolbox already!

Since the relaunch Desktop Lightning 2.0 is incredibly responsive.

You can get it free today....

And talking of free mailings. Just for this week we've gone crazy.

Right now, even free members at Reactive Adz can mail out
every single day. All completely free...

Mail for free, every day, right now!

Login, Surf, Enjoy....
Your Username is: devils07
Your Password is: b72fc7

Have a great day Sony saputro

Happy Splashing!

Paul Kinder
The Original Surf Rewards Guy

PS Don't miss those free mailings....

PPS Please don't forget...

It takes just seconds to help us help you....

Your vote helps us get more members to see your sites.

Thanks Sony saputro!

Everyday Extras
Are you taking advantage of all our free to join sites?

BRAND NEW: Essential Advertising Tools:

Top Training at:


Traffic Exchanges:

Come up and tweet me, make me smile :-)

30 Minden Road, Lowestoft, UK, NR32 2NS

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as part of your Traffic-Splash membership.

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(who knows why you'd want to but ..) click here:

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