Saturday, December 5, 2009

SomethingS Free For The Weekend....

Everyday Essentials
Your vote counts....
Surf with Mark for cash prizes.....
Did YOU win?
Can't Wait To Splash? Login now ...
Your Username is: devils07
Your Password is: b72fc7

Hi Sony saputro,

G'day, I'm really looking forward to this weekend. Heaps of
free stuff going on, including a special guest speaker at
today's seminar for our weekly regular free training....

Free OMO
John Guanzon will be talking about "OMO" at AF today.
Yes, I had to ask what it means too :-)...

it's Optin Monetization Optimization!

John will show you:
* how to fund your lead generation and
* make an instant profit on all your advertising making
* every single cent you spend work for you not against you!

Sound cool?

It's completely free, and we give away prizes too!

Several of us hang out after the seminar to answer any
questions you have too.

Where else do you get regular interactive access to six figure
earners completely free?

Download the conference software here....

We start at 12 noon Eastern.

Not sure what that means in your timezone?

Seeya there :-)

Double Commissions
Cloak And Dagger Affiliate Secrets is red hot off the press
and completely free.

From my good friends Soren Jordansen, Cindy Battye
and John Merrick this is guaranteed absolute top quality.

Grab your free copy after this short video....

Of course this is also previewing their superb new
software "Phantom Link Cloaker" but the information
inside is incredibly valuable and to quote Soren it can

"Double your commissions in three minutes flat"

If you've been with Traffic-Splash any length of time you'll
know that Soren and I are extremely good mates. I can tell
you categorically, when he says something, listen up and...

act now! it's free...

Last Chance
I'm still not sure if Christmas has come early or if we flipped!

I was chatting to one of my biz partners in skype and we
decided to give away FREE...

[03:37:27] David Foley: hey, let's allow every single free
member to mail out today - completely free.
[03:38:49] Paul Kinder: oh nice idea, can we do more?
[03:39:17] David Foley: what if we let em mail free for a
whole a week - EVERYDAY
[03:39:42] Paul Kinder: lol I knew it was a silly question.
Sounds good to me.
[03:39:50] David Foley: k, let's do it!

So there ya go. You got free mailings for a whole week.

BUT there's only a couple of days left so....

Get in quick!

Is it surf time now do you think?

$120 Up For Grabs!
Twelve Lucky Splashers are going to win $10 today.

Keep your eyes peeled because the prize page could
appear at any time.

You get one chance and one chance only to grab your prize
so don't miss out by surfing too fast!

All the usual surf rewards and bonuses are available too.
Hundreds of thousands given away daily,
far too many to list here!

Splash Lucky!

but first...

It takes just seconds to help us help you....

Your vote helps us get more members to see your sites.

Thanks Sony saputro!

Login, Surf, Enjoy....
Your Username is: devils07
Your Password is: b72fc7

For Fast Easy Traffic....

Have a great day Sony saputro

Happy Splashing!

Paul Kinder
The Original Surf Rewards Guy

PS Double your commissions in three minutes flat.

Free "cloak and dagger" report available now!

PPS If you haven't discovered our seminars yet, you
really are missing the BIG value.

Hype-free, pitch-free and the advice IS free!

Topic - Optin Monetization Optimization
Speaker - John Guanzon
Time - Saturday, 12 noon Eastern (minus 5 GMT)

Not sure what that means in your timezone?

Conference Room Download Link

Everyday Extras
Are you taking advantage of all our free to join sites?

BRAND NEW: Essential Advertising Tools:

Top Training at:


Traffic Exchanges:

Come up and tweet me, make me smile :-)

30 Minden Road, Lowestoft, UK, NR32 2NS

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as part of your Traffic-Splash membership.

To stop any further updates, cancel your membership,
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(who knows why you'd want to but ..) click here:

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