Quicklink if you're busy....
=> http://www.traffic-splash.com/loves/phantomlink
Hi Sony saputro,
Do you know the Pareto Principle?
You should if you want to make money...
Basically, the Pareto Principle states
that 80% of your results come from
20% of your efforts...
This applies to everything... you get:
* 80% of your sales from 20% of your customers...
* 80% of your problems from 20% of your customers...
* and 80% of your profits come from 20% of your activities...
So the key is to reduce the amount of time
you spend doing things that don't directly
make you money...
These things should either be outsourced
(if they need to be done by a live human),
or use software tools to automate trivial tasks...
That's why I love using link cloakers and the
brand new Phantom Link Cloaker has some
particukarly awesome features you won't find
anywhere else!
=> http://www.traffic-splash.com/loves/phantomlink
Cloaking your affiliate links is something
that used to take a lot of time and
trouble... and you had to be pretty
technical to figure it out...
This isn't something you need to spend
a lot of time on...
BUT! If you don't do it, you're throwing
away a lot of money... some of it through
commission thieves, and a lot more by
having long, ugly links that people
won't click on....
If you're really in this for the long haul,
I strongly recommend you use tools that
save you time AND money...
Phantom Link Cloaker gets my highest
recommendation... there's a 60-day
moneyback guarantee attached to it,
so there's no risk to you.
Check it out immediately... before
you lose any more profits:
=> http://www.traffic-splash.com/loves/phantomlink
Hope that helps
Happy Splashing!
Paul Kinder
The Original Surf Rewards Guy
PS You're not going to believe the launch special that
Soren, Cindy and John are offering for a VERY limited time.
I know that they do raise prices - they proved it with
Clickbank Pirate so check it out now while you can get
the very best deal ever!
=> http://www.traffic-splash.com/loves/phantomlink
And don't forget why we're all here....
Dollar Dash is on!
Login, Surf, Enjoy....
=> http://www.traffic-splash.com/member.php
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Top Training at:
=> http://www.AffiliateFunnels.com
Brand New: Essential Advertising Tools:
=> http://www.TeToolbox.biz
=> http://www.ReactiveAdz.net
Traffic Exchanges:
=> http://www.FastEasyTraffic.net
=> http://www.TezakTraffcPower.net
Come up and tweet me, make me smile :-)
=> http://twitter.com/pjkinder
30 Minden Road, Lowestoft, UK, NR32 2NS
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