Hi Sony Saputro Eko N
This past year was a good one for the BlogCatalog community. We have seen the community grow as more and more talented bloggers have joined our ranks. The site itself saw some design upgrades and additions like the new Tools Section. And, new connections with sites like BrooWaha and HalfHourMeals have provided bloggers with more places to showcase their writing. We?ve had a great year and we want to thank you for being a part of it all!
This Issue: Complying With New FTC Disclosure Regulations • Fight For Preemies Reaches 3M Readers • Upcoming Events • Five Tips For Improving Your Blog In The New Year • Thanks For A Great 2009
Blogosphere News: FTC Disclosure Policies Go Into Effect
As of December 1, 2009, new FTC guidelines went into effect requiring bloggers to disclose any time they are compensated for endorsing or reviewing products or services. Bloggers should now be disclosing any time they receive payment, free products or services, or perks in return for a post on their blogs. Also any relationship with a company or organization that can be viewed as creating a conflict of interest should be disclosed. It is also a good idea to add disclosures to any past posts that still receive a decent amount of traffic.
BlogCatalog Quick Tip
Add a video to your blog. It?s a great way for your readers to get to know you a bit better and it?s simpler than ever. Check the BlogCatalog Tools section for video blogging tools like Wetoku.
5 Quick & Easy Tips For Improving Your Blog
1. Purchase your own domain. This will dramatically increase your design and functionality options.
2. Connect with other bloggers. Forming these connections can help inspire you, get you over hurdles and provide a sounding board for new ideas.
3. Try a new theme. While content is king, looks are important too. Catch readers? attention with a slick new theme.
4. Find clarity. Clearly defining the purpose of your blog will make decisions about content and design simpler.
5. Always be writing. Good writers are always writing. It keeps your mind limber and gives you a stock pile of good post ideas.
Fight For Preemies Reaches An Audience of 3M Readers
On November 17, 13,200 bloggers from across the globe participated in BloggersUnite: Fight For Preemies. Their posts about the rising rates of premature births raised the awareness of approximately 3 million readers. Through a mix of sobering facts, statistics and moving personal accounts, these bloggers poignantly illustrated the impact premature births have on both the individuals involved and on our society as a whole.