Thursday, December 31, 2009

New Scout Room opened

A new Scout Room has just launched on Slicethepie!

To find out what music it features and to start reviewing click here:

Don't forget that you can either withdraw your Scout earnings to spend how you please or invest them in new Artists in the Slicethepie Showcases and help them to make their album.

Have fun!

The Slicethepie Team

Wednesday, December 30, 2009

Taufiq Zulliansyah wants to keep up with you on Twitter

Taufiq Zulliansyah wants to keep up with you on Twitter

Twitter connects you with everything you want to know, right now. Short bursts of information are readily available from news organizations, corporate entities, politicians, celebrities, local businesses - even your close friends and family. Also, if you have something to share with the world, Twitter makes it super easy. To join for free, click the link below.



About Twitter, Inc.

Founded in 2007, Twitter Inc believes the open exchange of information can have a positive global impact. Every "Tweet" is limited to 140 characters of text or links which means they are easily written or read on a wide variety of services and devices including any mobile phone, social networks, television, Macs, PCs, and the Web.

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Ovi Store Weekly: Lonely Planet | Bejeweled Twist | Locago | Dictator Defense

If you cannot view this email properly please click here

Lonely Planet Live Free

Let the experts
guide you.

Find the best places to eat, sleep, shop and play based on your current location.Available for N97, 5800 and other devices.

Dictator Defense
Free Demo

Save the world
with your mobile.

Fight off evil dictators with an arsenal of electrifier rays, flame throwers and more! Available for most devices

Locago Free

Put yourself
on the map.

Explore your world and browse online content with this new breed of mobile map application. Available for N97, 5800, E71, E63 and other devices

Bejeweled Twist

Get spun.

Prepare for shockwaves of fun with the next generation of the wildly popular puzzle game. Available for most devices
Browse Ovi Store now
Recommendations are based on the following popular Nokia devices: N97, N95, 5800 Xpress Music, E71 and E63. If your device is not listed, visit Ovi Store to find the apps that are right for you.

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Paid Email from WordLinx

Dear sony,

You have received a paid email from WordLinx. Please find the details below.

Sponsor: NeoBux - Always the best!
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The WordLinx Team.

Tuesday, December 29, 2009

Account Reminder from WordLinx

Hello sony,

Thank you for joining WordLinx, however our system shows you have not logged in recently.

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The WordLinx Team.

Monday, December 28, 2009

Paid Email from WordLinx

Dear sony,

You have received a paid email from WordLinx. Please find the details below.

Sponsor: Join This Invite5 PTC. Pays Seven Levels Deep
Amount: 0.01

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The WordLinx Team.

New Advertising Sale Packages....and including a Bonus Gift for you.

You are receiving this as an owner of our website "Take the Internet Back". If you do not wish to receive our emails any more, cancel your membership from your TIB account. If you do so, then you will lose any and all future benefits, so please be certain prior to cancelling.

With any ad purchase of $115 or more we will include a gift valued at
$50.00 or more - a professionally designed custom Banner. It will be
created just for you, for your use anywhere - in the standard 468 x 60
pixel size or a custom size if you wish. Give us your logo (if you have
one)and preferred colors, or let us work from scratch.
We'll need a headline and/or some text and we will do the rest.

Take advantage of this offer now.....

In effect now until January 15, 2010

Untargeted Ads

* 1000 - $15 - Buy One, Get one FREE!
* 5000 - $55 - Buy One, Get two FREE!
* 10,000 - $100 - Buy One, Get two FREE!
* 50,000 - $400 - Buy One, Get three FREE!

Targeted on Countries or Categories

* 1000 - $30 - Buy One, Get two FREE!
* 5000 - $115 - Buy One, Get three FREE!
* 10,000 - $200 - Buy One, Get four FREE!
* 50,000 - $800 - Buy One, Get four FREE!

Targeted on Countries and Categories

* 1000 - $55 - Buy One, Get two FREE!
* 5000 - $210 - Buy One, Get three FREE!
* 10,000 - $370 - Buy One, Get four FREE!
* 50,000 - $1400 - Buy One, Get four FREE!


And from the TIB you and yours -
Best Holiday wishes for a Healthy, Wealthy and Happy New Year!



Sunday, December 27, 2009

iPod gratisan lagi nih!

Lagi-lagi, situs jejaring sosial VK (Vorwerk Kobold) menyelenggarakan kontes khusus orang Indonesia berhadiah iPod nano 5G untuk 20 pemenang (2x lipat dibandingkan dengan kontes sebelumnya, artinya kesempatan lebih besar dong). Setelah memenangkan iPod nano 5G senilai $189 dari kontes yang sama pada bulan Desember ini (terimakasih atas dukungan semuanya), saya jadi ketagihan untuk ikut kontes ini lagi . Saya mengajak Eko untuk ikutan kontes ini lagi dan semoga kita menang bareng-bareng :)
Setelah mendaftar, invite lah teman-teman Eko sebanyak mungkin dari facebook, friendster, twitter, dll, untuk bergabung di VK supaya bisa masuk peringkat 20 besar kandidat penerima iPod nano 5G

Baiklah, bila Eko berminat, silahkan mendaftar di , tapi Eko harus benar-benar terverifikasi data-datanya (no telepon, Foto profile, data Sekolah, dll) bila hal itu tidak valid, maka Eko keikutsertaan Eko dianggap tidak sah.

Berikut langkah-langkahnya :
1. Silahkan mendaftar di link berikut :
Isi data Eko dengan benar.

2. pastikan HP Eko Aktif, Eko Harus mengisi no telpon dengan benar, misal nomor HP Eko 08121432xxx, maka akan ditulis 628121432xxx. tunggu sekitar 5-10 menit akan ada sms berisi 5 digit kode angka yang akan kita masukkan untuk verifikasi pendaftaran.

3. Periksa email Eko, biasanya akan menunggu sekitar 1-5 menit, setelah dibuka, klik link konfirmasi yang ada disana.

4. Nah sekarang Eko sudah terhubung, selanjutnya Eko harus melengkapi data diri, terutama NAMA san ALAMAT harus benar untuk pengiriman hadiah dan Eko WAJIB MENGUPLOAD FOTO dan MENGISI DATA PENDIDIKAN Eko.

5. Setelah Login, Lihat di sebelah kiri ada link berisi ketentuan lengkap mengenai cara mendapat hadiah-hadiah tersebut.

Keterangan : Berlaku untuk pendaftaran tanggal 27 Desember 2009 s.d 10 Januari 2010. Buruan daftar

Disclaimer :
1.Kontes ini bukan saya yang mengadakan, Event ini hanya sebagai sarana untuk menyampaikan informasi ini kepada Eko saja. Bila Eko Ragu terhadap kredibilitas situs jejaring sosial VK (Vorwerk Kobold) yang mengadakan kontes ini, saya sarankan untuk tidak mendaftar, bila Eko tidak ragu.. Silahkan mendafatar.. toh GRATIS, jadi nggak ada ruginya.
2. Hadiah yang disediakan situs jejaring sosial VK (Vorwerk Kobold) sangat sedikit dibanding jumlah peserta yang ikut, mungkin ratusan ribu orang, Jadi siap-siap gigit jari kalau Eko tidak menjadi pemenangnya, tapi tidak ada salahnya mencoba, kalau rejeki tidak akan kemana, asal mau berusaha.

nb: Saat saya menulis e-mail ini (28/12 '09 jam 02.16), peserta kontes peringkat terbawah (ke-20) baru meng-invite 2 orang! (saya tidak salah ketik, 2 orang! masih besar sekali peluang Eko untuk menyalip posisi mereka di posisi 20 besar kandidat penerima iPod nano 5G. Jangan mau kalah! Eko masih punya kesempatan hingga tanggal 10 Januari 2010 pukul 03.00 untuk bisa merebut hadiah diatas. Namun jangan cepat terlena apabila Eko sudah berada di posisi 20 besar, tetaplah meng-invite supaya posisi Eko tidak tergeser orang lain. Semoga Eko beruntung :)

klik :, DKI Pondok Kelapa blok R No.9 , Jakarta Timur, DKI Jakarta 13450, Indonesia

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Mbah Google VS Mbah Peter, lebih sakti mana ya?

Sekedar hiburan supaya Eko dan keluarga/teman-teman Eko tetap ceria meskipun long weekend telah usai.

Simak e-book gratis saya di

Selamat beraksi dan buatlah keluarga/teman-teman Eko takjub dengan "kesaktian" mbah Peter :)

Salam hangat,
Ery Wiyanto, DKI Pondok Kelapa blok R No.9 , Jakarta Timur, DKI Jakarta 13450, Indonesia

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Saturday, December 26, 2009

Paid Email from WordLinx

Dear sony,

You have received a paid email from WordLinx. Please find the details below.

Sponsor: EnBux - Now Launched! Let's start earning!
Amount: 0.01

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The WordLinx Team.

brillelabiste has left you a new private message at Blog Catalog

Dear Sony Saputro Eko N,

brillelabiste has posted a new private message to your shoutbox:

hi just vi$$it your blog its nice and by the way i give you $ome money... have a nice day!

To reply to this message, visit your dashboard at:

To mark this message as spam, follow the link below:

brillelabiste has added you as a friend!

Dear Sony Saputro Eko N,

brillelabiste has added you to their friends.

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Friday, December 25, 2009

Admin Hawaiianhitz.

Hey Surfers,
a warm welcome to our new members,
we hope you are all enjoying the seasons break, and enjoying time with friends and family.
If you find you are caught up in the festivities, and have not got the time to surf
and wish to have your ads still shown,
we will triple all hit packages for the next 48 hours.
Buy 3000 Website Hits, and you will get 9000!
this is a Christmas special, so go get some!
Just put in a support ticket, to make sure the extra hits are added to your account.
surf and enjoy!

You joined Hawaiian Hitz on 2009-08-22 11:49:40 from IP
You can unsubcribe here
For more information please see our Privacy Statement & Agreement at

BuxP December Newsletter - Merry Christmas

Hohoho! Merry Christmas everyone. We have some pleasant news & gifts for you in the last newsletter of a successful BuxP year 2009!

***New Features***

-Let's start with the least pleasant news: From 01/01/2010 ongoing, the yearly premium package price will change to $49.99 (instead of $39.99). We have added a new premium plan for 6 months, which will be rated at $29.99. If you have plans to upgrade, you might want to do it now! To read more info about this price change, please check out our forum.

-We introduced a new earning method on BuxP "Browse Survey's". You cannot earn $$ directly, but by completing short and simple surveys, you will earn Ref Points that can be exchanged into referrals. Since the launch of this feature, we have given away more than 200 Referrals for FREE! Check out

***Christmas Game***

We have hidden a small Christmas related picture on one of our pages. Reply to this mail with your username if you can locate the picture and tell us what it is saying. We will add a small Christmas gift to your account balance if your answer is correct! (Picture will fade away at midnight!)

***Short News***

-We have updated our ad panel for advertisers once again. More features have been added, and the layout is more user-friendly.

-We changed the amount of most advertising packages. The prices remain the same, except for the "50k 5 sec plan". This plan is extremely cheap ($99 instead of $125).

-We have started paying standard members faster by paying 2 days in 1 each time. We will do this until we reach the wait time of net45 days for payment requests by standard members. (now net60)

-The December "Donate & Receive FREE Referrals" action is coming to an end. The top10 donators this month will receive free referrals.

-We are looking for 1 or 2 forum moderators. Interested people open a support ticket for more information.

-Do you want Fatcow Webhosting for $16/year (instead of $88)? Go to and complete the offer.

***Interesting Links***

-Watch Popular TV-Show "Lie To Me" Online for FREE:

-Monetize your Video,Music,Download,PTC,Game Site with CPALead just like BuxP:

-Visit our Digital Product Store with lots of FREE Stuff:

BuxP and its entire Staff wishes you a merry Christmas and a happy new year!

See you in 2010,

PS: If you want to delete your username and unsubscribe from this newsletter, reply to this mail with your username and first 3 digits of your password.

Thursday, December 24, 2009

, Sony, Happy Holidays from PayPal!

  Dear Sony Sen,

Thank you for signing up with PayPal. We look forward to you using your PayPal account in the coming year so you can experience the same convenience and security enjoyed by over 78 million PayPal members.

We wish you and your family a very Merry Christmas and a prosperous new year!

The PayPal Asia Team
  Go To PayPal Now  
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Copyright © 2009 PayPal Inc. All rights reserved.

Consumer advisory: PayPal Pte Ltd, the Holder of the PayPal™ payment stored value facility, does not require the approval of the Monetary Authority of Singapore. Consumers (users) are advised to read the terms and conditions carefully.

Wednesday, December 23, 2009

Season's Greetings

You are receiving this as an owner of our website "Take the Internet Back". If you do not wish to receive our emails any more, cancel your membership from your TIB account. If you do so, then you will lose any and all future benefits, so please be certain prior to cancelling.

Our admin offices will be closed for the holiday, December 24th through December 27th, and reopening on Monday the 28th.

Ad orders can be placed and will be processed, but all other questions and issues will be addressed when the office opens.

Warm Holiday Wishes for all your Celebrations...
from the TIB Family to you and yours!

**Free Traffic System** - SEO Santa - A Smile for Everybody!

Hello sony,

When preparing for this Christmas we decided to go against the common
trend - we will not sell you any "special Christmas packages", "unseen
Christmas discounts", "unique Christmas offers that are expiring the
next second, so hurry up..."

We decided that even 1 second smile is much better than all that
offers which can sent for the rest of the year.

So, we had an idea that we considered to be funny, we hired a
professional to help us with making this idea live and here it is:

Give it a smile. Enjoy your life. Happy holidays!

Kind regards,
Free Traffic System team.

** Legal Note **
This message is sent only to the registered members of Free Traffic
System and you officially opted in (and clicked confirmation link) to
be a registered member. If you want to close your membership and stop
getting emails from us - please use this unsubscribe link and follow
the instructions provided here:

Tuesday, December 22, 2009

Paid Email from WordLinx

Dear sony,

You have received a paid email from WordLinx. Please find the details below.

Sponsor: WordLinx - Special Christmas Wednesday Winners Competition! Win $10.00 USD!
Amount: 0.01

Please note, you will need to click the link and login before you are credited for this email.

If you no longer want to receive messages like this, please login and update your profile.

Please DO NOT reply to this automated message. If you require assistance, please use our Support form.


The WordLinx Team.

Monday, December 21, 2009


You Have Got New Paid Emails Waiting In Your Hits4Pay Account!

Dear sony sen, 

This is an update to let you know that you have "Paid Ads" waiting to be read in your Hits4Pay 'Internal Mail Box'.

You must login and view the advertiser's website to get paid for this email.

Click Here To Login

Important Note: Please try to login as soon as you receive this email notification in you mailbox. This ad expires as soon as the advertisers guarantee has been met.

Thank you for being a hits4pay member!

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Welcome to Your Nokia Account

Welcome sonysen,

You're just one step away from opening your Nokia account.

All you need to do is confirm that we have your correct email address. To do so please click on the link below or copy and paste it into your browser address window:

If you'd like to find out more about Nokia services please go to Alternatively, if you would like to update your Nokia account details, please visit

Thank you for joining and we hope you enjoy using Nokia services.

All the best,
Nokia Account Team

BlogCatalog - December Newsletter

Hi Sony Saputro Eko N

This past year was a good one for the BlogCatalog community. We have seen the community grow as more and more talented bloggers have joined our ranks. The site itself saw some design upgrades and additions like the new Tools Section. And, new connections with sites like BrooWaha and HalfHourMeals have provided bloggers with more places to showcase their writing. We?ve had a great year and we want to thank you for being a part of it all!

This Issue: Complying With New FTC Disclosure Regulations • Fight For Preemies Reaches 3M Readers • Upcoming Events • Five Tips For Improving Your Blog In The New Year • Thanks For A Great 2009

Blogosphere News: FTC Disclosure Policies Go Into Effect

As of December 1, 2009, new FTC guidelines went into effect requiring bloggers to disclose any time they are compensated for endorsing or reviewing products or services. Bloggers should now be disclosing any time they receive payment, free products or services, or perks in return for a post on their blogs. Also any relationship with a company or organization that can be viewed as creating a conflict of interest should be disclosed. It is also a good idea to add disclosures to any past posts that still receive a decent amount of traffic.

Learn More About Disclosures

BlogCatalog Quick Tip

Add a video to your blog. It?s a great way for your readers to get to know you a bit better and it?s simpler than ever. Check the BlogCatalog Tools section for video blogging tools like Wetoku.

Easy Tips For Improving Your Blog

5 Quick & Easy Tips For Improving Your Blog

1. Purchase your own domain. This will dramatically increase your design and functionality options.
2. Connect with other bloggers. Forming these connections can help inspire you, get you over hurdles and provide a sounding board for new ideas.
3. Try a new theme. While content is king, looks are important too. Catch readers? attention with a slick new theme.
4. Find clarity. Clearly defining the purpose of your blog will make decisions about content and design simpler.
5. Always be writing. Good writers are always writing. It keeps your mind limber and gives you a stock pile of good post ideas.


Fight For Preemies Reaches An Audience of 3M Readers

On November 17, 13,200 bloggers from across the globe participated in BloggersUnite: Fight For Preemies. Their posts about the rising rates of premature births raised the awareness of approximately 3 million readers. Through a mix of sobering facts, statistics and moving personal accounts, these bloggers poignantly illustrated the impact premature births have on both the individuals involved and on our society as a whole.

Learn More

Follow Us Online!

Upcoming Events

Online Community Unconference
February 10. The Online Community Unconference East is a gathering of online community professionals - managers, developers, business people, tool providers, investors - to discuss experience and strategies in the development and growth of online communities.

SXSW Interactive
March 12-16. SXSW Interactive features five days of compelling presentations from the brightest minds in emerging technology, scores of exciting networking events hosted by industry leaders and an unbeatable line up of special programs.

BlogWorld Expo 2010
October 14-16. If you are serious about your content quality, if you want to increase your readership, viewership and audience you cannot afford to miss BlogWorld.

Thank You for A Great Year In 2009

2009 was a busy and productive year for the BlogCatalog team. It was a year in which we met some great new friends who have helped guide us and inspire us as we continue to improve our community, and one in which we saw continuing support from some old friends too. For this we are grateful.

A big thank you to Rich Becker and Copywrite Ink for the time and energy you have put into making our BloggersUnite events successful. Your wisdom and your insights are invaluable to our team. Thank you for all the great work you have done.

Also, thank you to Selina Jane Eckersall for your ideas and guidance over the last year. They have provided clarity of purpose as we move forward and test new ideas.

And, last but not least, thank you to our members without whom none of the work we do would be possible. We hope you had a great year and look forward to seeing what the next one brings!