Thursday, September 24, 2009

Forget About Tim And Forget About Me!....

Brand New List Building System

Hi Sony saputro

I was talking to Tim the other day and something he said made
me feel like getting on my soapbox cos maybe, just maybe, I
don't mention this often enough. You see...

Tim is getting rich off of you and you maybe don't even know it!

Tim knows how to build a list already, he's doing very nicely
but that's because he knows the power of leverage. He knows
that YOU will build his list for him.

You see, Tim owns a few programs already. When you promote
his affiliate pages you're building HIS list - not yours!

If you want to be outrageously successful, you need to be
building YOUR list first - Not Tim's - not mine - not anybody
else's - build your list first!

After you get someone on your list, sure, send them to Tim's
programs and build those streams of income. That is the whole
idea - if you don't get referrals you can't make money BUT....

never send someone to Tim, or me, or other program owners
unless they are on YOUR list first!

This is exactly what we show you in Affiliate Funnel, this is
exactly what we do. I totally completely and utterly believe that
this is THE very best way to make money online for me, for you,
for just about everybody!

And I know it's easy to say - but for some ain't so easy to do.

Until Now!

The brand new Prosperity Marketing System from Darren Olander
helps you build YOUR list and YOU first.

This is just about as plug-and-play as it gets:

Anyone you refer to the Prosperity Marketing System is added to
YOUR own autoresponder list, and also to a downline mailing list
within the site. You can even build a downline mailing list on the
site five levels deep... just like owning the system yourself.

Now you can quickly and easily be building your own list now -
and earning the huge profits that come from having your own list!

Check it out:

Hope that helps

Prosperous Splashing!
Paul Kinder
The Original Surf Rewards Guy

PS You might think it's weird that a program owner tells you not
to promote their program? It ain't weird at all, here's why...

1. This is honest genuine advice - this is how I build my business.
I know lots of successful people online - they ALL work this way too.

So, I give you genuine advice and you get some success online.
That makes you a long-term loyal customer - hopefully! :-)

2. My top affiliates for my programs are ALL list builders. They earn
great commissions because they know how to build their list first.
The more they earn, the more I earn. So I love paying commissions!

So there you have it - this is proven and it works.

Do yourself a favor and try it now....

And don't forget why we're all here...

It's Downline Winner Day
70% Super Surf or 80% Super Bonus Surf too!

Login, Surf, Enjoy....
Your Username is: devils07
Your Password is: b72fc7

30 Minden Road, Lowestoft, UK, NR32 2NS

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as part of your Traffic-Splash membership.

To stop any further updates, cancel your membership,
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(who knows why you'd want to but ..) click here:

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