Saturday, September 26, 2009

Dollar Dash Plus....

Masses of Winners, did YOU win today?
Can't Wait To Splash? Login now ...
Your Username is: devils07
Your Password is: b72fc7
Come up and tweet me, make me smile :-)

Hi Sony saputro

G'day, Let's Get Lucky Week continues with your chance to
win some cold hard cash....

Dollar Dash Day
The surfbar is loaded up with dollar bills today and the
occasional $5 prize too!

No minimum surf, no maximum surf, the cash prizes will appear
on your Bonus Page so keep your eyes peeled on the sites
while you're Splashing!

More surf equals more chances to win.

Splash Lucky!

Super Surf Is On!
Today you can grab 60% extra credits at Dragonsurf PLUS 10%
extra here, and ILoveHits and Startxchange.

It's so so simple to Super Surf and grab all your extra credits.
When you start surfing if it says Bonus Inactive in the surfbar
just click on that link and login to all the exchanges.

You're now Super Surfing and you'll grab HEAPS of extra credits.
Simple as that!

And in case this is your first time Super Surfing...

There is no minimum surf, no maximum surf, no need to claim.
Simply surf the four Super Surf exchanges at the same time for your
big bonus and you'll see it all automagically added to your account.

Login links are in the Members Area and it gets even better....

Super Bonus Surf
Gives you another 10% extra at all the exchanges on top of that too!

Simply surf the four Super Surf exchanges PLUS our guest exchange....

Farm Traffic:

So, if you surf Farm Traffic you get at least 20% extra credits at all
five exchanges and most days you'll find at least one of us giving more.

With a combined membership of over 300,000 could there be any
better place to surf and get your site seen?

But please, don't forget to vote before you get surfing....

Please help us help you, your vote helps us get more
members to see your sites.

Your vote really counts:

Thanks for voting and for Splashing Sony saputro
Without you, we ain't here. We really appreciate it.

And now it's Splashtime!
[but don't miss the top tip below!]

Login, Surf, Enjoy....
Your Username is: devils07
Your Password is: b72fc7

Would you like to get your hands on a system that does exactly
what I do to get signups and sales each and every day pretty much
on autopilot?

What would that kind of growth do for your business?

The Prosperity Marketing System is a simple to use Powerful
Plug-and-Play System that helps you grow your list AND your
primary business and it's pretty much set and forget.

But it does even more than that - the downline builder lets you
plug-in up to 15 other programs of YOUR choice. Cha-Ching!

Explosive downline growth is only a click away:

Hope that helps.

Have a great weekend and...

Happy Splashing!

Paul Kinder
The Original Surf Rewards Guy

PS Thousands now earn substantial online income who
never thought they could.

I knew I'd do OK but totally honestly, I'm surprised how well
these techniques have worked for me.

This is about as push button as it gets. Plain and simple....

It's easy and it works....

30 Minden Road, Lowestoft, UK, NR32 2NS

You received this email update at
as part of your Traffic-Splash membership.

To stop any further updates, cancel your membership,
lose your credits, commissions and downline forever
(who knows why you'd want to but ..) click here:

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