Monday, September 21, 2009

Feeling Lucky? You Should Be....

Masses of Winners, did YOU win today?
Can't Wait To Splash? Login now ...
Your Username is: devils07
Your Password is: b72fc7
Come up and tweet me, make me smile :-)

Hi Sony saputro

G'day, well what a day yesterday - we almost broke our all-time
surfing record with over 283,000 pages surfed. Hope you got plenty
of signups Sony saputro!

Today is the start of Let's Get Lucky Week.....

Lucky Surf Rewards
Today you get LUCKY Surf Rewards all day long!

That means you could get Double Surf Rewards or maybe
even Triple Surf Rewards!

Surf 100 pages will earn you at least:
1,000 banners or 2,000 text ads
or if you're extra lucky you could get...
1,500 Banner Ads or 3,000 Text Ads free

OR, very best value....
Surf 250 pages will earn you at least:
4,000 banners or 8,000 text ads
or if you're extra lucky you could get...
6,000 Banner Ads or 12,000 Text Ads free

Surf more and you get even more and if you're lucky...
you get even more than even more! Does that make
sense? not really, but my guess is you get the point!

You could even grab yourself up to 19,500 Banner Ads
or 39,000 Text Ads - completely, totally, utterly free.

Nobody does it bigger :-)

Don't forget - to claim your texts or banners you simply
send in a support ticket after you finish surfing for today.

Splash lucky plus....

50% Extra Everywhere!
Today you can grab 50% extra credits for every single page

Traffic-Splash, ILoveHits, Startxchange, Dragonsurf & MaxTrafficPro.

It's really easy to grab your extra credits, simply surf all five top
exchanges and your extra credits are automagically added to your
account instantly. Login links are in the members area.

With a combined membership of over 300,000 could there be any
better place to surf and get your site seen?

And please....

Don't forget to vote....

Please help us help you, your vote helps us get more
members to see your sites.

You vote really counts:

Thanks for voting and for Splashing Sony saputro
Without you, we ain't here. We really appreciate it.

Login, Surf, Enjoy....
Your Username is: devils07
Your Password is: b72fc7

Oh, and for Pro members only....

Look out for an email from me about something very special
later today. I've found a way to grab a list of 20,000 plus pretty
much on autopilot.

It's not something I'll share with everybody because it's just too
powerful but I will mention it - just once - in one email later today
for upgraded members only. Keep your eyes peeled!

Have a great week and...

Happy Splashing!

Paul Kinder
The Original Surf Rewards Guy

PS Did you know we pay up to 50% commissions and we have
the highest converting upgrade offers in Traffic Exchange World?

Grab your share with our best performing splash...

Oh, and are you missing out on $1 per referral?

Check out the Cash Splashes in the members area. Login and
click on promote...
Your Username is: devils07
Your Password is: b72fc7


30 Minden Road, Lowestoft, UK, NR32 2NS

You received this email update at
as part of your Traffic-Splash membership.

To stop any further updates, cancel your membership,
lose your credits, commissions and downline forever
(who knows why you'd want to but ..) click here:

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