Once I review the lead, I will give you specific instructions
on how to proceed. If those instructions include making
an offer, and that offer is accepted by the seller, here is
how to contract on the house.
1. Fill out the attached purchase contract. (click here to
download purchase agreement)
2. Get it to the seller as quickly and easily (for the seller)
as possible. The faster you get their signature on the
contract, the better. The longer it takes to get that
signature, the more that can go wrong. Here are the
best ways, in order:
a. Get in your car and drive it to him or her.
b. Email it over
c. Fax it over
d. Mail it over
3. Once you have a signed purchase contract, alert me
Quick FYI... if you're unable to print and scan documents that
need to have your "John Hancock" on them... simply use
Docusign.com and you never have to a print a document. You
could be in Italy vacationing with your family, and can simply
use docusign to make your life easier. It's all about having that
freedom, right?
Last FYI (I promise)... If you need to use a fax too, I personally
like to use MetroFax.com for everything. You can simply upload
and fax documents from your computer. Nothing ever needs to
be printed. (I think this service is like $13 per month)
Talk to you soon,
Creators, www.GetOnTheInside.com
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