=> http://www.traffic-splash.com/winners.html
Can't Wait To Splash? Login now ...
=> http://www.traffic-splash.com/member.php
Your Username is: devils07
Your Password is: b72fc7
Come up and tweet me, make me smile :-)
=> http://twitter.com/pjkinder
Hi Sony saputro
G'day, well we definitely did start the week with a bang!
106 new members joined - welcome - and you surfed 273,000
pages altogether. Great effort - thanks Sony saputro
We really appreciate it - hope you got lots of signups!
Today we got more great stuff....
$60 Top Prize
Today we're giving away a Six Month Upgrade worth $60
completey free.
Simply surf 150 pages for your chance to win.
No need to claim, each page surfed is a ticket in the draw so...
More Pages Surfed = More Chances To Win.
Splash Lucky!
Plus you get....
Double Credits
Today you can double up your credits every single page at TWO
of the Super Surf exchanges.
Yup, here at Traffic-Splash and over at Traffic Taxis you can grab
a 100% Super Surf bonus all day long.
As Taxis is our guest exchage it's atually 110% so even better!
How does it work?
There is no minimum surf, no maximum surf, no need to claim.
You'll see it all automagically added to your account.
This is your chance to get your site in front of 300,000 members.
Does it get any better than that?
Login links and full details are in the Members Area.
Thank YOU for Splashing. Enjoy!
but first....
Help yourself by getting all clicky on the vote link!
Hep us help you get more hits and signups. Your vote counts:
=> http://www.traffic-splash.com/loves/voteforsplash
Thanks for voting Sony saputro
Login, Surf, Enjoy....
=> http://www.traffic-splash.com/member.php
Your Username is: devils07
Your Password is: b72fc7
Headsup :
I'm setting up some HUGE extra surf rewards at FET today:
=> http://www.traffic-splash.com/loves/fet.php
Don't Miss This
You can still grab Outsource Method for just $1 but it really
is VERY time limited.
Outsource Method is the culmination of ten years trial, error,
experience and huge huge huge success.
People that are successful online, KNOW that outsourcing
is the absolute tipping point to them achieving massive growth
in their business.
If you want to be successful online too, shouldn't you just
model off what works?
The proof is in the pudding.
=> http://www.trckrs.com/96/ts
The $1 trial is only open for ten days. Nothing is left out,
no half baked drip fed content... you get the whole lot.
Dan and Marc (the owners) are not even worried if you
rip them off - you get full access and could even copy
the whole course for just $1.
Once you see it though - I'm pretty sure you're going to want
to stick around for the extra coaching and advice. I am!
I truly hope you are one of the "chosen few" who join me.
=> http://www.trckrs.com/96/ts
Have a great week and...
Happy Splashing!
Paul Kinder
The Original Surf Rewards Guy
PS: Grab your early bird referrals before the BIG launch!
=> http://www.traffic-splash.com/loves/reactiveadz
PPS At $1 it has to be worth a look doesn't it?
I'd love for you to be one of the incredible success stories and
testimonials at:
=> http://www.trckrs.com/96/ts
this process changes lives.
30 Minden Road, Lowestoft, UK, NR32 2NS
You received this email update at reddevils.boy@gmail.com
as part of your Traffic-Splash membership.
To stop any further updates, cancel your membership,
lose your credits, commissions and downline forever
(who knows why you'd want to but ..) click here:
=> http://www.traffic-splash.com/delete.php?username=devils07&password=b72fc7
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