Thursday, October 22, 2009

Who Needs A Routine Anyway? Instead, I Want Double....

Masses of Winners, did YOU win today?
Can't Wait To Splash? Login now ...
Your Username is: devils07
Your Password is: b72fc7
Come up and tweet me, make me smile :-)

Hi Sony saputro

G'day, man I'm having trouble adjusting to my new schedule. I
started swimming early in the morning which delays my emails
but also has me doing all kinds of distracty things instead of
emails when I get home again. I'll settle soon.

Got my induction at the gym in about 30 mins too. Yes, I said
induction Brian :-) It's kinda like an introduction or familiarization,
if you're on the other side of the pond and don't use the word.

Gotta do something to get fit and stop me sitting at this PC
all day and night, much as I love it!

So first up today - a reminder....

New Surf Rewards
Yesterday we installed a brand new and easy way for you to
claim your Surf Rewards....

When you finish surfing now you'll be able to claim your Surf
Rewards from either the Support Page or the Surf Rewards
page with just one click of your mouse.

You'll also be able to choose texts and banners exactly the
same as now.

We haven't completely automated because when we asked....

64.5% of you said: I like the fact I get higher rewards here
because some people won't claim their surf rewards.

whereas 35.5% said: I would prefer to claim automatically
even though I know I would get smaller rewards.

Soooo, there you have it. We've made the process a lot lot
easier for those who want more automation, without reducing
the large amounts we can give away.

I'll be keeping a close eye on delivery and will keep those rewards
as high as possible for you. I have a cunning plan that will help
even if masses of you start claiming more often. I guess that kinda
goes without saying if you know me well, but I said it anyway :-)

We also put in a reminder on the surfbar too. Every time you
qualify for a Surf Reward a reminder will appear for three pages.

Oh and if you prefer to chat n claim, never fear....

You can still chat to us in Support and claim the old-fashioned
way if you prefer. I did it that way deliberately from day one so
we could chat with you. We love it so please don't change if
you don't want to.

We're here to help, happy to help, any way you choose.

Here is what you get for Surf Rewards...

Surf 100 Pages
And claim 500 Banner Ads or 1,000 Text Ads - free

Surf 250 Pages
And claim 2,000 Banner Ads or 4,000 Text Ads - free

Surf 500 Pages
And claim 3,500 Banner Ads or 7,000 Text Ads - free

Surf 750 Pages
And claim 5,000 Banner Ads or 10,000 Text Ads - free

Surf 1,000 Pages
And claim 6,500 Banner Ads or 13,000 Text Ads - free

We give away literally hundreds of thousands of ads daily.
We were first and may be much copied but still...

Nobody does it bigger! :-)

Don't forget - to claim your texts or banners you simply
click on Support and claim however you like.

now for today's Extra Surf Rewards you get....

Double Credits!
We're going to town on welcoming our very own Fast Easy
Traffic as the new guest exchange in Super Surf and so
today you can still get double credits everywhere....

Grab yourself 100% Super Surf bonus - all day long!


There is no minimum surf, no maximum surf, no need to claim.
You'll see it all automagically added to your account.

This is your chance to get your site in front of 300,000 members.
Does it get any better than that?

Login links and full details are in the Members Area.

but first....

Your vote gets your site seen more....

Thanks for voting and for Splashing Sony saputro

Login, Surf, Enjoy....
Your Username is: devils07
Your Password is: b72fc7

Hope you like the Surf Rewards changes. Please feel free to
drop us a note and let us know what you think.

I can't promise I will always agree but I CAN promise I will
always listen. You make Traffic-Splash what it is.

Got thoughts? Let us know....

The technology behind these Surf Rewards is actually the
base for something even bigger. Watch this space....

Have a great day and...

Happy Splashing!

Paul Kinder
The Original Surf Rewards Guy

PS What is wrong with me!

I know there should be an link in every email I send. So....

Gratuitous affiliate link, just happens to be remarkably useful....

30 Minden Road, Lowestoft, UK, NR32 2NS

You received this email update at
as part of your Traffic-Splash membership.

To stop any further updates, cancel your membership,
lose your credits, commissions and downline forever
(who knows why you'd want to but ..) click here:

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