...right now ...on demand.
There are no hoops to jump through, just go here and it will
begin automatically.
The entire training is just over 14 minutes long, and I literally
show you EXACTLY what to do in order to get leads within
the next 7 minutes.
I even show you live site demonstrations and everything.
Watch the training now >>>
This email is important if you use Gmail for your email. IF NOT -
you can delete this email.
Gmail has rolled out some new features that automatically filter
your email messages for you into categories - Primary, Social and
Promotions. And rumor has it that Gmail is automatically moving
Promotions email into the trash after a few days.
That means that you may not receive emails from me (and a lot of
other people you want to hear from) in your main/Primary inbox
UNLESS you adjust your gmail settings.
You might not see any changes in your email yet; Google is rolling
them out to users over time. So if your inbox looks the same, save
this email for when the changes occur for you.
If your inbox has been changed - Do this now so you get your mail:
1. Open up Gmail and see if you have the NEW Tabs set up at the top
of the inbox.
2. Click on the PROMOTIONS tab folder to see if you can find one of
my emails in there from the following email address:
Our newsletter was sent out earlier today so hopefully that is in your
3. DRAG IT to the PRIMARY tab folder
4. A Question should pop up and ask if you want to do this for
future messages from me - Click YES. This should add my emails to
the Primary folder in the future.
5. Repeat this process for everyone whose mail you find in
"Promotions" that you want to receive.
Thank you for taking these steps to make sure we stay connected!
---->>> Like Me On Facebook <<<-----
You are receiving this message because you or someone with your
email address joined the REI Education Academy or signed up at one
of our sites. We keep records of all opt-ins.
If you are receiving this message more than once then you probably
have more than one account with us or have signed up multiple times
with multiple email addresses.
Earnings Disclaimer: The statements in this email are not to be
interpreted as a promise or guarantee of earnings. As with any
business, your results will vary and will be based on your desire,
dedication, effort, ability to follow directions, and an infinite
number of variables beyond our control.
Affiliate Disclaimer: If you purchase anything as a result of this
email, you should assume that we have an affiliate relationship
with the company providing the product or service that you
purchase, and that we will be paid in some way. We recommend that
you conduct your own independent research before purchasing
WARNING: If you unsubscribe you will NOT be able to reverse this
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