| | | JULY 20, 2011 | | | | Hi Sony, This year we've been hustling like crazy to make foursquare even better. We've launched tons of new features, and we're super excited to announce that there are now over 10,000,000 (!!!) people on foursquare! | | | Make sure to get the latest hotness! | the latest version of foursquare for your phone. | | | | First off, thanks for believing in our little startup as we try to build an awesome service for you. You can tell your grandkids that you were one of the first ten million members of our community (you're member #2,993,844). They'll look at you in amazement as they cruise by on their hoverboards. Second, we've been cranking away trying to make foursquare as amazing as possible. Lots more people, tips, and some big improvements and new features. | | | | | | | You can make your friends' lives better. Know the best dish at that restaurant? Or your favorite painting at a museum? Leave tips everywhere you check in so your friends can have the same amazing experiences! | | | | | | | | | | To celebrate foursquare's six months of crazy growth, we put together a big animated infographic, because who doesn't love infographics? You can see where people like to check in, happiness across the world, and which venue @MikeBloomberg (the mayor of New York) is mayor of. Check it out here. | | | | Have fun exploring!
- team foursquare P.S. BlackBerry, Android, and iPhone users: we've got updates for all of you this week. Download the latest version at foursquare.com/download. | | | | | | | | | | Follow us on Twitter: @foursquare | We're on Facebook! Like us To opt out of these emails, visit your User Settings Page and uncheck "News and Updates." You can also adjust your account and contact info, privacy controls, and options linking to Twitter and Facebook. © 2011 foursquare labs, 36 Cooper Square, New York, NY 10003 | | | | | |
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