| | | JANUARY 31, 2011 | | | | Hi there Sony, We had a super busy end to the year here at foursquare HQ, cranking out tons of new features (including photos and comments!). We're working on a bunch of other exciting updates, but we wanted to share some of what you'll see now on foursquare while out exploring your city. | | | | | | | Connect with your friends We grew from 175,000 to over 6,000,000 users (holy cow, 3400% growth!). A bunch more of your friends are probably using foursquare now. Find those newbies at foursquare.com/import. | | | | | | | | | | You guys checked in 381,576,305 times in 2010 – in every country across the globe (and in space!) There were even 224 girls named Wendy who checked in at a Wendy's. Check it all out here. | | | | Thanks for all your support and enthusiasm this year. We're fired up about all that is ahead. Here's to a happy, healthy, exciting 2011! Now get off your computer and go do something fun! - Team foursquare P.S. Your mission this month: add Tips to all your favorite places. Show off your local knowledge! | | | | | | | | | | Follow us on Twitter: @foursquare @4sqsupport | We're on Facebook! friend us To opt out of these emails, visit your User Settings Page and uncheck "I'd like to receive the Foursquare Newsletter." You can also adjust your account and contact info, privacy controls, and options linking to Twitter and Facebook. © 2011 foursquare labs, 36 Cooper Square, New York, NY 10003 | | | | | |