Monday, February 29, 2016
[Monday Market Report] No candidate has any idea how to fix housing
No Candidate Has Any Idea
How To Fix Housing (What
Super-Tuesday Means For
Property Investors)
Talk of the housing market, housing affordability,
credit availability — really anything having to do
with most Americans' single largest investment —
has been conspicuously absent from the political
conversation in this election cycle. Voters, however,
tend to vote with their pocketbooks, and their
homes take up an awful lot of space in those
cluttered bags.
Get the full report here
Cash Sales Are Shrinking (See the state
by state report)
[New Report]
Cash sales accounted for 36.4% of total home sales in
November 2015, down 0.7% year over year. In November
2014 cash sales totaled 37.1%. Month-over-month cash
sales increased by 2.5% from October to November,
however due to seasonal changed, cash sales are more
easily measured on a year-over-year basis.
Get the full scoop here
7 Online Tools To Help You Estimate
Investment Property Values
[New Article]
What is your investment property worth? In recent years,
a proliferation of online resources has emerged to provide
you with an answer before you ever consult a human.
But while consumers have access to more information
than they could have dreamed of a decade ago, that
doesn't mean you can expect a computer to deliver
the final word on your home's value – though it can
give you some helpful hints.
Get the full scoop here
When Will Appreciation Stop? (Hold
That House Episode 23)
[New Podcast Episode]
Today Matt and Matt discuss appreciation, which is the
increase in your home's value over time. Although they
invest for cash flow first and foremost, appreciation can
be a nice side benefit to holding houses. The duo discuss
how they account for appreciation and when the upward
price in real estate values will ever stop. Enjoy!
Cath the full podcast episode here
Why Do 97.4% Of Real Estate Investors
Fail? (The secret can actually fit right in
the palm of your hand)
[New Video]
This new video by Matt Andrews reveals why most Investors
are dead before they complete their first flip and how you can
insure that you are one of the 2.6% who profit on EVERY DEAL.
The Secret is…
Watch the video here
Sunday, February 28, 2016
[6-HOUR NOTICE] Training Classes SHUTTING very SOON!
Just A Dab Of Dab Helps The Medicine Go Down
[FINAL DAY] Last Chance to Register - It ALL ENDS Today!