Tuesday, September 18, 2012

Your 1 file stored in Google Docs is now in Google Drive

Can't read this email?

We're writing to let you know about important changes to Google Docs.

Google Drive is the new home for Google Docs
  This means the 1 file that you own at reddevils.boy@gmail.com will now be available in Drive, and you can access it anytime at drive.google.com.

You can still do everything you could before, like create, share and collaborate with Google documents, spreadsheets and presentations. Now, you can access your stuff anywhere, find files faster, and work with more web apps.

See my 1 file in Google Drive
Access your stuff anywhere.
With Drive, all your stuff is in the cloud, so you can access it wherever you are. And with the Drive desktop and mobile apps, it's much easier to upload and sync your files across all your devices. Drive is available for Mac, PC, Android, iPhone & iPad devices.
Find files faster.
Look for files by keyword and Drive searches everything — even text within scanned documents or images without any text at all. Drive also comes with a simplified navigation to help you better organize your files, and there's a new grid view to help you see thumbnails at a glance. Learn more about the new look and how to find your files.
Beyond Google Docs,
Drive now works with other web apps.
Google Docs are now stored in Google Drive, so you can continue to work with others in real time on documents, spreadsheets and presentations. Plus, Drive is integrated with a growing number of third-party apps, so you can do things like send faxes, edit videos and create website mockups all in one place.
See my 1 file in Google Drive
On behalf of files everywhere,
The Google Drive team
© 2012 Google Inc. 1600 Amphitheatre Parkway, Mountain View, CA 94043

You have received this mandatory email service announcement to update you about important changes to your Google Docs product or account. If you have already upgraded to Google Drive, you can disregard this email.


Friday, September 14, 2012

sony Not To Be Missed - Read Just Now

Major League Hits- The Hardest Hitting Exchange on the Net!
Log in at http://www.majorleaguehits.com/login.php

Hey sony

First of all I want to give you my good wishes for the weekend which is fast approaching and may you have a great one.

Secondly if you are already an upgraded member here at Major League Hits then I thank you very much for your support however if you are not then I want to let you know below of todays very special offer.

For the next 48 Hours should you purchase any of the upgrades here at Major League Hits you will be given an extra special bonus at our sister site Quality Safelist.

The special bonus will be 2000 Credits which means you can use those to send your website / business opportunity instantly to 2000 targeted prospects via email.


All you have to do is login above then purchase one of our upgraded memberships.

Last but not least I have updated our prize page with the opportunity for the first 20 people to land on it will each win 2500 Traffic Credits.


Simply login above start surfing till you reach the prize page.

Remember sony even just surfing 50 or 100 pages per day will give you consistent traffic, leads and sales every day of every week.

To YOUR Success

Mark McCulloch

Owner / Admin - Major League Hits

Thank you for your participation in our exchange. Your membership is what makes this work!

Ready to surf? Log in at http://www.majorleaguehits.com/login.php

Note: Deleting your account will not stop any subscription payments you have with MajorLeagueHits. In order to do that you will need to log into your payment processor of choice and find your subscriptions to our service and cancel them yourself. We do not have access to this information and take no responsibility for it. Subscriptions will be billed from accounts@helphits.com or admin@majorleaguehits.com.

You are receiving this email as a member of Major League Hits, a website you joined on 2009-08-14 05:23:15. If you would no longer like to receive emails from this website you may delete your account by following the link below. If you do you will lose all cash, credits and impressions currently in your account permanently.


Saturday, September 1, 2012

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